About Us

about us

We are a community garden that uses hydroponics.

Urban food scarcity in South Asia has been a persistent problem for decades. With over 300 million South Asians suffering from undernourishment, it is clear that conventional methods are not enough to tackle this issue. To solve this problem, I brought together diverse fields of study, such as engineering, agriculture, and economics. After consulting with biologists, I discovered soil-free hydroponic farming systems as a viable solution. I used my engineering background to develop low-cost, open-source designs for such a system using CAD software. My approach incorporates an extensive sensor suite and onboard algorithms, ensuring crops grow without human intervention. I founded Apna Farm, a non-profit that installs my pre-fabricated hydroponic farms on urban buildings, providing fresh produce to families within the building and selling excess crops to cover running costs. This innovative solution integrates machine learning algorithms and bespoke electronics, which goes against conventional wisdom that high-tech solutions are not compatible with problems of underdevelopment. Apna Khet rents out hydroponic farming equipment to individuals and communities in need. This solution offers a soil-free method of growing plants using nutrient solutions and water, making it ideal for areas with little access to water or fertile land. Our state-of-the-art equipment allows individuals to grow fresh produce year-round, promoting sustainability and reducing the carbon footprint of transporting food from faraway places. 

Our mission at Apna Farm is not just to promote environmentalism but also to empower individuals economically. By renting out our equipment at an affordable price, we allow underprivileged communities and individuals to start small businesses and generate income. This economic empowerment will improve their quality of life, stimulate local economies, and contribute to a more sustainable future. Investing in Apna Farm means investing in the future of our planet and the economic empowerment of underprivileged communities. Join us in our mission to promote environmentalism and individual financial mandate through hydroponic farming.